

How does a wolf know how to hunt its prey deep within the forest? How do the birds know how to immigrate south during the winter?

Within all living beings is a connection to our primordial instincts, and within many people is a deep awareness of truth. Religions all over the world discuss the concept of being "awake," of being "aware." We are going to discuss what this subject means in terms of today's world. What does it mean to be connected to the truth? Part of this involves connecting to subconscious realities.

The truth is an awareness of eternal values and eternal laws. Nature is an eternal life force. It is a system that is billions of years old. It has survived the test of time. It is truth itself. So getting back to a system with real values involves getting back to nature.


Today's world order is presiding over the greatest destruction of natural life seen since the Permian Extinction, which happened 250 million years ago. Are these actions the byproduct of a good system?. We think not. These are the actions of a malevolent and deeply disturbed system. The people who are in charge themselves are very sick and morally depraved individuals.

The political and financial leaders of our time tell us that this current world order, the Capitalist Democratic economy specifically, is the best system for the entire planet. Yet there is a contradiction in this idea, given the grave nature of the problems caused by this system - environmentally and financially. It would be great if this system could find a peaceful way to deal with these problems, but as far as we can see, there isn't any action currently being taken towards this pursuit.

Our leaders tell us that they are building us this great future, where everyone will have human rights and everyone will be respected. Yet if you look at the reality, we are currently living under the greatest income inequality that the world has ever seen. It is estimated that less than 1% of the wealthiest people on the planet own over half of the global wealth. In America alone, six Walmart heirs own more wealth than the bottom 40% of people. Even the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt and the Caesars of Ancient Rome did not control such a percentage of wealth.

Most religions on the planet teach that the idea that selfishness leads to destruction. Yet our current leaders tell us that being selfish via endless consumerism is a good thing, and a necessary thing for keeping the economy afloat. Yet this equation does not compute on a world with finite resources.

If you listened to the people currently in charge, you would believe that all there is to life is making money and spending it. This message is propagated everywhere: our schools, our newspapers, television, magazines, billboards, commercials - everywhere there is static that clouds the mind and fills the masses with ever increasing levels of delusion and despair. Empty promises of sex, money and power shimmer elusively behind products being sold. If you buy the right brand of toothpaste, you will become a sex magnet and scantily clad super models will throw themselves upon you. If you drink the right brand of beer, then everyone will like you and want to be your friend. Or at least, this is what the commercials tell you.

In regards to sex, we will also mention that this society has some deeply perverse ideas about sex. On one hand, there is a certain level of religious delusion in the West and particularly in America. Most children do not get an adequate level of sex education, because of religious prudery about the realities of sex. But then on the other hand, children start educating themselves via watching porn, which is like learning how to drive by watching The Fast and the Furious. So we live in a society that on one hand tells people that sex is sinful and evil, but on the other uses the allure of sex to sell everything from sports cars to candy bars.

Healthy ideas about sex are important to having a healthy view about the natural world and the creative processes of life. Thoughts about sex effect people on the subconscious level, since it is a primordial natural drive. So when people feel like there is this world of wild, fantastic porn star sex out there that they are being denied, they start to form very destructive and harmful views about reality in general.

Many people get very depressed when they buy into the lie that the endless pursuit of sex and money is all there is in life. Many creative people in particular get crushed by such a soulless and futile existence. In response these people turn to drugs, drink and other destructive behavior.

Yet there is a better alternative. That alternative is to take a stand and to fight back. Most religions around the world are unanimous in the point that there is no get rich quick scheme to finding happiness and the truth. To earn these things requires a great deal of sacrifice and hard work. In fact, in stopping the corruption listed above, we have a responsibility to pursue nature and the truth.

The truth is out there, it can be found. Yet it requires a deep immersion into ancient ideas, and these ideas are present in great art and music as well as in the subconscious mind. We will explain more below.




What is needed is to get back in touch with reality. It is the duty of the prophetic voices of our time to bring back an understanding of truth.

Like the wolf whose primordial instincts tell him how to hunt in the forest, there is an instinctive, primordial truth that simmers beneath the surface of the mind. It is like the wind, you cannot see it directly, but you can feel its power.

This is why art and music are so important. Art and music are a hundred years ahead of politics. These things awaken inside someone an understanding of a subconscious reality. It is that subconscious reality that is the source of hope for the world. Now this may all sound very confusing, but we will explain. The "subconscious" mind is the level of thinking that goes on beneath the surface of every day life thoughts. In your day to day life you may think consciously about what you are going to eat, what you are going to do after work, or what you may want to watch on TV. But there is a deeper level of thought that comes out through your dreams, or through the art and music you may create. Many artists create things and don't even know why they did it.

This is the connection to the deep subconscious mind. Within the subconscious mind is a connection to universal and ancient values of truth.

In our time, there is excellent science fiction and fantasy art, heroic fantasy novels and movies, and much metal and alternative music that are plugged in to these ideas.

In a historical sense, our ancestors were also in touch with these values (much more than we are today) because they were immersed in nature every day. Like a sword tempered by flames, our ancestors were forged by nature's brutal trials of life and death. We're not saying that our ancestors were perfect. These people had their share of warfare, slavery, brutality and violence. But these people also understand that a basic level of protection for nature was necessary for survival. For instance, many tribal people who hunted in the forest wouldn't kill all the deer they found, because they understood it was important to let a few survive to reproduce and create more deer for future generations to hunt and eat. This is called long term thinking - something that our current society is not participating in.

Many of these natural values became immortalized in myth and legend.

This is why much of the great art and music of our time is attempting to rekindle the ideas present in these legends, like a torch holding the embers of an ancient flame. The novel trilogy and movie Lord of the Rings is a classic example. The author, Tolkien was an avid reader of ancient Norse Myth. Other examples are the following films and shows: 300, Conan The Barbarian, Spartacus, 13th Warrior, Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, Dune, etc.



highland warriors

The "collective unconscious" is a psychology term coined by Carl Jung. It is said to be a part of the unconscious mind that is derived from ancestral memory and experience. So this is not a knowledge based on the individual experience - like learning how to parallel park your car, but a sort of deep wisdom, a vast reservoir of the universal human experience.

Within this collective unconscious are shared myths, legends and archetypes. An archetype is a recurring symbol or theme in literature, art and mythology. For example, the Cinderella story exists in almost all cultures worldwide, along with stories of floods or dragons.

Many epic tales also share a very similar structure. For instance, even though The Odyssey and Star Wars were both composed almost 3,000 years apart from each other, there are many striking similarities. There is the "call to adventure", the hero's refusal of the call, acceptance of the quest, training under a mentor, a battle between forces of good and evil, romance, supernatural aid, tragedy and subsequent triumph.

Whether the "collective unconscious" is a metaphysical concept or not, the point is that the study of myth and legend is important to understanding eternal values.


sword hand

Part of the purpose of myth and legend is to immortalize the memory of the most valiant, and to pass the values of our heroes down to succeeding generations. If you read many ancient stories, you will see a common theme of the hero naming their father, their father's father, and the line of their ancestry as far back as they can remember. While such an idea may seem boring to the modern day reader, people in ancient times believed lineage to be a crucial part of one's identity. A person without a lineage was a shallow tree without roots.

A modern example of this mentality comes from the movie "The 13th Warrior," which was based on the tale of a 10th century Arab traveler named Ibn Fadlan, who described his experiences living among the Vikings. In this movie, the Viking warriors call out the "Viking Warrior's Prayer" before going into battle. In such a prayer is the established connection to one's ancestral memory. The text of the prayer is included below. (Also watch the film clip on Underground Web World)

"Lo there do I see my father.

Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers.

Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning.

Lo, they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them,

in the Halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live... forever."




So what should you do after connecting to the collective unconscious? Sit around and pat yourself on the back? No. You have a responsibility to use your new found knowledge in combating the forces of corruption in our world. In combating the spread of lies and delusion, there is no greater weapon than the truth.

In the world of ancient myth, magical weapons like the sword in the stone were only given to heroes who had the moral purity to use such a weapon. King Arthur didn't pull the sword out of the stone just so he could hang it on his wall and feel proud of himself. Such weapons contained the divine power to fight forces of deep evil.

We're not saying that you should unleash an onslaught of violence with no reason or purpose. Such actions only make today's problems worse. While complacency is not a solution, there are many angry groups in the world today who take their anger out on the wrong targets. Whether it be terrorist groups in the middle east, or extremist groups elsewhere, violently attacking the minorities, immigrants, children or other innocent bystanders in your region is not a solution. This is a criminal act and makes matters much worse. It is much more important to respond to the hate and criminality of our world with justice and a level head.

The key is in finding a just and sensible way to fight back. Specifically, in fighting to protect the environment - the foundation of life - against forces of corruption and greed. As an artist and a prophetic voice, you have a responsibility in speaking out against the criminal destruction of nature.

On Underground Web World we have several key resources for this pursuit: Check them out below!

Yesterday, today and tomorrow, time remains the same. Nature's laws are eternal, and those connected to those laws shall endure, while those who are not connected to these laws will perish.

Visions for Artists

Our guide for artists and prophets

Visions of the Future

Films connected to ancient myth

Powerful Art

Creative Video

Philosophical Audio Lectures