Testing testing testing


Today we stand at a turning point in history the current elites have failed and dynamic forces are in motion that are going to create major changes the details of these factors can be found in articles such as our world future outlook report on our website and we are not going to go into them in detail here what we are going to talk about here is a subject that we should talk more about which is the role of religion in the coming turmoil in the 21st century indeed you could say that think about and that it would not be a priority this is not happening the. Shall we say of secularism is coming to an end it basically didn't work the concept that you that all you have is here is not very compelling in life it's not very compelling and specifically not very compelling in the face of tragedy and in the face of disaster no it's not very compelling so people seek out purpose they seek out hope and the hope of being reborn in a better world is an enormously compelling force it's also an enormously compelling force to feel that there is a God who cares someone you can talk to so on and so forth this is a very compelling force throughout all areas of religion in Christianity people feel they can talk to Jesus directly or the Virgin Mary directly or sometimes the saints are in Buddhism you have the various incarnations of boot so on and so forth and paganism you have all sorts of different gods who supposedly help people out in specific situations and so on and so forth this is a very compelling and very comforting to people it's very comforting the people to feel that they are not alone the secular paradise that was proposed didn't work it just isn't that compelling and isn't that satisfying now as things go downhill the interest in religion is going to grow and this is going to be a very important factor as things unfold some interesting questions as we look around the world


one interesting enigma in the world religion is the case of China China you have a totalitarian government that is obviously mortally terrified of religion in light of their horrendous persecution of the fallen gun cult that is an element of paranoia that is to a certain extent understandable in terms of Chinese history of the Taiping rebellion the white lotus rebellion if you're familiar with Chinese history the series of religious rebellions are question about China is that the party what what are that one of they have to offer the Chinese people other than some of the polluted wasteland and a growing GNP and so on certain certain amount of nationalism standing up to America etc. etc. is that going to be enough were very skeptical about that and chide the religious vacuum in China could be filled and could be filled by something horrendous were not at all convinced about the grip of the people at the top and shine on the whole situation Japan today is also somewhat more somewhat unstable situation religiously these but it is not the same thing as China when you have a government that is crushed all forms of independent thought and so on and so forth so that's an interesting question of what may be coming up were going to elaborate on this at a future lecture