
Nature is truth. It is billions of years old and has stood the test of time. It is an eternal system of power that presides over the laws of life and death. Nature's laws cannot be bribed, imprisoned, lobbied or changed.

With any search for the truth, one must begin with nature as the starting point.

Let's start by looking at some very basic facts, nature is 5 billion years old. The written history of human civilization only began 5,000 years ago. Our industrial world order is only 200 years young, and on a global scale - it's only 50.

In other words, all of human civilization is just a drop of water in the bucket. Our current Plutocratic world order is nothing in the scheme of time.

Yet this very young world order is presiding over a disaster of epic proportions. In 40 short years, half of the wildlife on the planet has been killed. What we are witnessing today is nothing short of the greatest mass murder in history We are witnessing the greatest extermination of life since the Permian extinction, 250 million years ago.

So who has a right to life? Only humans? This is suicidal madness that has gotten out of control.

Yet don't worry about nature. Human beings need nature, but nature does not need us. Nature will get things back on track one way or another - with or without us - even if the process could take 10,000 years at a natural pace. Yet for human civilization, time is short. The politicians may have the clocks, but nature has the time, and all the money in the world won't add another minute to the day.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow, time remains the same.

If we are to understand the long term future, we must understand the past; and true understanding of time begins with understanding nature, since nature is time itself.



So there needs to be a fundamental discussion here of what nature is, and what nature is not.

Nature is a ferocious system. Nature is a wolf running through the forest and ripping open the throat of its prey.

It's important to distinguish nature from middle-class bourgeoisie environmentalism in the West. These are not the same thing. Their view of nature is nature as seen through an air-conditioned SUV window. A picture on a cookie box.  A video on HDTV. It's important not to get real nature confused with a virtual picture of nature. If the average Western environmentalist was put back in nature they'd be begging to get back into the modern world as fast as possible. How many people would like to wake up in the morning and have to cook breakfast over a fire and then go out and hunt all day and maybe face starvation in the cold?

It was a grim system, but it was a self-sustaining system that offered a long-term future. In so far as the modern world can be reformed, it must get back to principles of nature. This will be very controversial.

For example, nature is a system for cleansing the diseased, the perverted, the unhealthy. These forms of life are killed off in nature. Some political systems, particularly in the ancient world, had a system to emulate this. Most notably Sparta with the exposure of children to nature, where the sickly and the unfit died and only the fit were then born.

In a modern society there is a total contradiction of this. All sorts of perverts, misfits, misshapen fetuses are kept alive, and this is considered charitable. At the other end of life, nonfunctional vegetables are kept alive for billions and billions of dollars in cost. This is not natural.  This is a violation of nature's laws, and nature's laws are a reflection of fate, God, divine law, whatever you want to call it in your culture.   Today it is the Christians who are violating God's laws.

Meanwhile, while there is all this talk about human rights and human compassion, there's an unprecedented wave of cruelty and mass murder towards other forms of life.

We are moving into an era where lies are crumbling. Again you need to think in terms of time, time is millions of years. In the temporary emergence of America as a dominant world power is just a tiny little snippet in time. It's not the be-all and end-all. It's just a tiny little snippet in time and it's really…the fact that it's collapsing so quickly is a devastating indictment of the sorry state of what it is.

So you should not get distracted by temporary ideas. We need to start looking at a real future, a long term future based on the ancient and eternal principles of nature.



Nature is connected to instincts about what is true and what is not true. How does a wolf know how to hunts its prey deep within the forest? How do the birds know to migrate South during the winter?

Within all living beings is a connection to instinct. There is a connection to primordial and primitive knowledge, and within many people there is a deep awareness of truth. Religions all over the world discuss this concept, this concept of being awake, of being aware, of what is real and what is not real. This is something that can be accessed at the subconscious level.

In this text we are going to discuss this concept in terms of today's world. What does being awake mean in today's world?

Carl Jung tried to describe such a concept by discussing the idea of the "collective unconscious." While much of his writing is abstract and hard to understand, the basic idea is that it is something that you can tap into that will help you see things, that will help you make decisions and help you be what you were supposed to be in life.



Yet to be frank, getting in touch with inner truth in today's world is very difficult because we are living in a very sick society where lies are propagated as truths on every level: whether it be a mass media outlet or the education system.

Now the current system - particularly America - is a system of brainwashing. The education system is the biggest source of brainwashing in this country, which tells people the American system is the only way, there can't be anything other than the American system, the American plutocracy is the only way, and people are led to believe that this is real.

This is part of the reason why a movie such as The Matrix became so popular. This is because it had the idea of people being trapped within a lie. Yet the Matrix of today is much more effective than the one in the movie, because it doesn't need all kinds of machinery to to enforce itself. It enforces itself through the power of deceit, through the power of making people think they're free when they are not. For today's slavery is much more effective than the old slavery because it does not need chains and whips to function. All it needs is the chains around the mind. This is something that Sun Tzu talked about. He said that warfare is a battle for the mind and those who conquer the minds of their enemies have already won the war.



The new slavery is much, much better because the people are brainwashed into believing they're free, and that everything is just great, and as far as things aren't great, which usually is the case, then it must be their fault, or it's inevitable that there is nothing that can be can be done about it. That's why so many people suffer from depression and the plutocracy has a solution for that too - take happy pills!

Few things are more ludicrous than today's so-called war on drugs. There is no "war on drugs," in America, there is a war "for drugs" being fought on behalf of the pharmaceutical companies by the government. There is a war against certain drug industry's, cocaine and so on who failed to buy off the right politicians in Washington, and so there is a huge war against them, but this isn't a war on drugs, it's a war of one set of drug pushers hijacking and controlling the state to murder, or rub out another set of drug pushers. The collateral damage here is millions of people in jail, millions of people's lives wrecked as the state of drug pushers arrest people for buying products from the non-state drug pushers, but that's just a symptom of the whole overall system of repression and deceit.

Another form of brainwashing exists via a system of sexual control. This is an issue that goes all the way back to the takeover of the Western ancient world by Christianity in 395 A.D. and the imposition of this deranged religion on the west; which basically was a complete disaster that unleashed a tidal wave of violence and ignorance.

So the issue of sexuality is an issue of social control. That's an issue of social control, particularly against women. Women are told to be ashamed of their sexuality, to go along with the the church says, what men say, and again there's a reason for that, there is a reason for this of social control; and there's also been throughout American history, in particular, a connection between the plutocrats and the evangelists. It's not a one-to-one connection in fairness, but the majority of the evangelical Christians before the Civil War were supporting the slave trade. In the 19th century, a lot of the big tycoons financed the evangelists and that's up to the present day, but it's very important to understand that with the leaders at the top, there is an uneasy relationship. See, greed cannot be the basis of a society and these people are going to quarrel, they are already beginning to quarrel.

So today's slavery is not enforced with whips and chains, but it is enforced via the shackles around the mind.

[We could possibly insert the Cultural War Lecture after this]


Today we are fighting a battle for the mind. We are fighting a battle for the truth. And how does somebody living in today's toxic society access the truth? You tap into great music, great art and great film. In toxic societies, much of the great art comes from outside of the mainstream. If a river is poisoned, clean water will not flow from that river, it will come from an alternative source. So it is the forces outside the mainstream, the underground, the people in the underground, these are the people we are trying to reach, that is the source where tomorrow's leaders will come from.

The key fighters in today's battle for truth are the creative shamans and the prophets of truth living among us.

Those of you we are talking about, deep down in your gut, you know who you are.

It is often that the people who changed history were not necessarily the richest, or the most politically connected, but they were the people who had an awareness of truth, and the courage to step forward.



Let's look at examples of prophetic voices in history. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was imprisoned by the Soviet Union. He was a nobody in a concentration camp and was one day thinking of committing suicide, and a sort of a voice came out of the darkness in his head that said "today no one will hear you, but tomorrow the whole world will hear you." And Alexander Solzhenitsyn, this nobody in a concentration camp, wrote a series of books that rocked one of the most powerful empires in the world to its very foundations and helped bring it down in one of the most spectacular collapses in world history.

Now these prophets are humans, they are not angels, they're negative aspects to all these people, but it's the importance of the power of the truth.

Another example, probably the most spectacular example in history was Martin Luther in 1517. Here's a guy in Renaissance Germany who was a complete nothing, a complete nobody, a monk off in a tinker toy town off in Wittenberg, off in the middle of nowhere in Saxony, who writes a thesis that the Catholic Church is full of corruption and nails it to the door of his church, that was the only way he could think of protesting, he set off a religious earthquake which rocked the Catholic Church to its very foundation and changed the entire course of the history of Europe, the entire course of German history, the entire course of Christian history.



After the winter comes the spring. When you walk through the forest in the spring, you see the primordial power of nature as the leaves emerge from the trees, as the flowers bloom.

In today's toxic world, there is a primeval revolution bubbling beneath the surface. You see it in the resurgence of indigenous religions around the globe, you see it as the subconscious message in the great art, movies, and music of our time.

The main force of this revolution will come from the underground, from the people who are on the receiving end of this system. Those are the people we are trying to reach. These are the people who will bring us back to eternal values and earth based values.

Yet this will be a very controversial process.

Time is like a spring, and today's unnatural world order has pushed the spring so far in one direction, that it's going to lash back in the other direction in a very nasty and violent manner.

Today we are seeing a period of unprecedented peace in the developed world. Yet this is a peace that has been bought temporarily via massive debts against the environment and economy. Can America sustain it's debts forever? This is highly unlikely.

The Plutocrats tell us that today's world order is the best that ever existed, and that if we go along with their plan, that we'll have this nice and neat little life where we can all be safe. But going along with this plan is not safe, it is suicidal madness.

Today's Plutocrats are on the losing side of history. Those who align themselves with nature will be on the winning side, they will be one with the invincible forces of fate.

Napoleon has said the following about fate:

"I feel myself driven towards an end that I do not know.  As soon as I have reached it, as soon as I shall become unnecessary, an atom will suffice to shatter me. Until then, all the forces of mankind can do nothing to stop me. "

A life but a mere flicker in the darkness, a cold breathe at dawn. Yet nature, fate, destiny, these are timeless forces and this is what this text is about.

It is time to get back on track with real traditional values, with real historical trends. It is time to develop systems aligned with the eternal values. It is time to get back to nature.