Today we stand at the eye of the storm.

The political establishment candidate Hillary Clinton was rejected and destroyed in the last American election.  The political destruction of Hillary Clinton is more than the political destruction of one not very good person.  It's the destruction of the unholy alliance between the plutocrats and the liberal establishment in the Democratic Party and it has enormous long-term implications for American politics.


We are going to analyze here the Trump administration and try to clarify some things that will start to happen in 2017 and 2018. Trump like Obama and like Bernie Sanders gained a large part of his support from the public hatred of Hillary Clinton with her financial corruption and her track record of imperialist war crimes.  This is a factor. So in other words a large part of the people voting for Trump were voting for their hatred of Hillary Clinton.  This puts Trump in a difficult position in terms of his political power. He possibly could make the same mistake that that Obama made in concluding that people were voting for him out of some great love for him, rather than a hatred of Hillary Clinton, and a hatred of George W. Bush.


We now will look at the political promises of Trump and what will happen when he takes office. Trump has promised $5 trillion in tax cuts paid for by nothing, a huge increase in military spending, again vague, and a huge infrastructure plan paid for by nothing.  He's going to replace Obama care was something even better except "that something even better" is not specified.  It's going to cost less.  Again all this is not specified.

So these are promises that are going to run into a financial brick wall the minute he takes office and our readers should pay close attention to the whole budget process because this is going to be very critical as far as Trump's situation is concerned.  Still more problems for Trump come from this issue of trade where he's made very legitimate criticisms of these trade deals.  He could have some impact on enforcing things and he could have some impact at the bully pulpit. But to fix a lot of these trade deals he would need assistance from Congress, which may or may not be forthcoming, so there's a huge disconnect between the promises and financial reality of America


The forces that brought Trump to power — the sickness of the American economy — may end up bringing him down if he doesn't recalibrate what he promised, because America has just run out of fuel here.  You've had years and years and years of debt borrowing to paper over problems.  For the average citizen the American dream died in 1973.  That's when real wages peaked.  Since then working families have been propping themselves up through a variety of very unhappy decisions We're all in favor of women's rights but many many millions of women in working-class families have been forced into the labor force.  They really didn't need to "find their destiny" in that job at Walmart or McDonald's or whatever. It was the only way they could stay afloat once wages peaked back in 1973.  Working families have turned their homes into ATM machines via borrowing on second mortgages and all these things are not long-term situations

America's run out of fuel right now. There no more gimmicks left in the hat so the next crisis is going to be something unlike what we've seen since really the great depression of the 1930s, which by the way was an All-American affair.  Depressions were as American as apple pie in the US capitalist system.  The US capitalist system is heading for a really existential crisis.  As far as the Trump administration is concerned, the question is can Trump recalibrate his promises for the economic disasters that are coming and the unreality of these promises. This is unclear very unclear.


Those of us who follow this should pay very close attention to the Russian aspect of Trump's policy because that's going to be a critical factor in saving him if he can end this trend towards a new Cold War but the forces of self-destruction within the American dystopian nightmare are so powerful that not even ending that will save the country from a series of cataclysmic disasters.  When we look forward what emerges is the disconnection between the haves and the have-nots and this is also true on a global basis.


History is a struggle between the haves and the have-nots. In modern times there's been this delusion that via industrial society working to build a happy utopia for everybody everybody is going to be happy, everybody's going to have a chance, everybody is going have some wonderful situation in some high-tech utopia etc. etc. etc. This is a delusion is based on the destruction of the environment, particularly since the new so-called "World Order" of American and Soviet communist imperialism after World War II. These were the two dominant systems and these are two of the most destructive systems in the history of the world when it comes to the biological foundations of life. The predictions about global warming, the predictions about the environment have been getting systematically worse and worse and worse. A key problem is that Democratic administrations, particularly those of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, have totally failed, and in many ways, been worse than the Republicans in so far as they have deceived people into believing something was being done about this problem. This is not the case in the case of Barack Obama. You have a particularly troubling situation in that Obama and Hillary Clinton have become the king and queen of natural gas fracking so that coal has been replaced by natural gas fracking, perhaps helping the long term prospects of the climate crisis, but giving a huge blast of methane to the entire world environment, which is much more destructive, many, many times more destructive than carbon in and terms of the environment. Now this may be triggering something very, very bad. We look in Siberia, you see these huge craters opening, you have a lot of other anecdotal reports that really are not very encouraging. Let's talk about those reports, if they're not some isolated incident then look out below. On a global basis the haves and have-nots will will come apart at the seams. The green revolution, another mortgage against the future, is likely to produce very unhappy results. So it's it's going to be a global game of death. The number of people who were going to die is going to go up very sharply and that in turn will lead to more political violence and instability. So this is where we're headed. Trump needs to recalibrate his promises, whether he will reap what we want, we don't know, we don't happen to know Mr. Trump. If he does not, you're going to have an existential crisis in America.


A healthy aspect of the 2016 election is that it is no longer possible to whitewash the crisis in America. It's not. Obviously there are things that are very, very wrong in the society and what we see is a growing alienation between America and Europe, which is due to inherit long-term problems and that could lead to a geopolitical revolution in the world as we know it. So we are going to discuss, we are going to study, we are going to interact with our network of friends and experts around the world, and we will be publishing more on these with these things in the future. The main point is that everything we've been talking about for 20 years is now starting to unfold. It has been unfolding and is now reaching a critical stage. So it is time to be extremely alert, extremely disciplined in deciding where we fit in, and precisely what we should do