ITALY 1937

The third major event for Nazi Germany in foreign policy in 1937 was an extremely positive event. That was the visit of Mussolini to Germany. This visit was a huge success, as we mentioned in previous lectures. Mussolini basically did not like Hitler. He also didn't like a good part of Hitler's ideology, specifically the racism and the anti-Semitism. As we discussed the summit in Venice in 1934 was a disaster. However, the decision of the Western powers to isolate Italy as a result of its Ethiopian war, and the fact that Germany and Italy found themselves on the same side in the Spanish Civil War, caused Mussolini to significantly rethink his foreign policy priorities. As a result, in late 1937, Italy became the third member of the anti-Comintern pact. Now the main significance of this in the near term is it basically meant the death sentence for the right-wing dictatorship - the dictatorship in Austria - because the main thing that prevented Hitler from moving south was the opposition of Italy. So the handwriting was on the wall in late 1937 for the Anschluss that took place in early 1938.