In early 1938, an event occurred in Nazi Germany that was nothing short of a foreign policy and military revolution inside the state. This change has, in our view, been greatly underappreciated by historians. Now, we're not going to get into all the details and all the details of the entry but to sum it up here is what happened at to a series of complicated intrigues Blomberg was forced out as Warminster is absolutely no evidence contrary to the claims of some historians that this was orchestrated by the contrary Hitler liked Blomberg however due to a series of complicated intrigues Blomberg was forced out and it is not evidence to the one between traders against Blomberg was French the person who would logically be his successor in the German military the result of this whole situation is that Hitler personally took control of the military and in effect appointed himself as Warminster and then picked somebody who was basically a cipher general title to head the military under his supervision this would have terrible consequences for Germany Blomberg was respected by Hitler Hitler liked Blomberg and Blomberg was was able to talk to Hitler and give him independent advice so overnight a powerful independent voice was removed from Hitler's inner circle of foreign and defense policy advisers and even more disastrous result took place over at the Foreign Ministry where Hitler removed


And replaced him with Ribbentrop rots was probably going to be removed anyway because it is easy and Hitler were unlike Blomberg and Hitler hand-deliver willing on the same page he was an old-school diplomat and while he was willing to go along with Hitler's ideas the chemistry just wasn't there however the replacement of


By Ribbentrop was nothing short of a total catastrophe as we mentioned before Ribbentrop is the kind of person you run into in politics is not very good at what he does is a genius at manipulating the power structure in which easy and such as it is sort of the 1930s Condoleezza Rice or Wolfowitz are some of the other incompetence in the Bush administration who were no good at what they do a very good at being inoculating people in power to keep their jobs and get promoted and so on and so forth Ribbentrop was a genius at politics inside the German state and as he had sort of outmaneuvered whereat he was sufficiently small to make sure that it would never be another joke among Ribbentrop and as a result Hitler began to be very isolated from independent foreign policy information Ribbentrop the master intrigue or said about controlling the flow of information to Hitler and Ribbentrop also understood that access to Hitler was the key to his power if you look at the balance films of the Berkoff constantly see Ribbentrop and probably more than any other top official of the party because he understood where the power lay so as of early February on the eve of the Anschluss in 1938 you had nothing short of a complete of people in German foreign policy