

Our role is to be the shamans of today. Our role is to be the visionaries of what's to come. Our role is to paint the picture of the coming real world order. This real New World order is going to sweep away the ruins of the current world order of plutocracy and Western establishment liberalism. We've discussed at length on our website and in previous lectures the death toll that's coming and the political implications of that death toll, which will bring down the political world order and unleash a tidal wave of violence.


In the real world order to come, the central figure is a person that we will call 'The Emperor.' Whether there will be more than one Emperor on this planet is an interesting concept and we're not going to get into that in this lecture. We are going to talk about the nature of the Emperor.


Dictatorship and totalitarianism are as old as history.   Indeed, modern parliamentary "democracy" has hardly any track record in history.

In the ancient Roman Republic when there was a big crisis, they would nominate a dictator.

Homer, the ancient Greek poet, said "The rule of many kings is a bad thing.  There must be one king with absolute authority. "

Napoleon understood that in a crisis someone has to make decisions. Napoleon also clearly understood that the last thing you want to do a crisis is have rule by committee.


Modern America is a total and complete contradiction of this kind of thinking, which is why it is sinking deeper and deeper into crisis and heading for an utter disaster. Its sick view of the environment and overall sick mentality is leading the world into an unprecedented catastrophe.

Some may point out the fact that America is the world's leading super power. Yet this has been a temporary trend. America has accomplished this feat by unleashing an unprecedented campaign of slaughter against the natural world. Since the end of World War II, half of the world's wildlife has been destroyed. So America is borrowing against the environment and the future at a rate that cannot be sustained.   The post World War II world has created the greatest crime in history, the greatest destruction of life since the Permian Extinction 250 million years ago.

Since the time of Reagan America has been augmenting environmental debt with financial debt.   Overall debt as a percentage of GDP is at its highest level in history and still rising.

Can any country survive off continuous debt forever? We think not. It would be great if today's politicians could push through needed reforms. But as the gridlock in Washington increases, this becomes less and less likely. What emerges is a total crash of the system and the rise of authoritarian figures who will build their own brutal system upon the ashes of the old.

When systems fail, revolutions occur. It's an age old fact of history. American imperialism tries to claim that it's above the laws of history. It's not, and it will be dealt with and dealt with severely.


So, what to do? The figure of reform is the figure of the Emperor. Our goal is to reach that Emperor. This person is alive today.  The material on our website is to help direct this Emperor who'll come to power. That is the central point of what we do. Obviously we want to reach significant numbers of other people in power today, or not in power today, but the likelihood that the current political power structure is going to reform itself is pretty close to nil.

The Emperor is going to a very busy person.  Thus. we are trying to keep our message as short as possible.   He will not only have to deal with huge problems but will also be involved in a ferocious struggle for power to crush competing political leaders who might also want to be Emperor as well as defenders of the rotting world order that got us into the current mess.


The Emperor is a person who must have absolute authority. This means the authority of life and death.   Now this is a level of concentration of power that is probably unprecedented in world history. Many people do not understand that most of the so-called dictatorships in our time did not have absolute power. The one conspicuous exception was probably Hitler's Germany, where Hitler had pretty close to absolute power.  Stalin, for example, was always very frustrated that he did not have the absolute power that Hitler had. And Mussolini also did not have the absolute power that Hitler had.

These movements however, Fascism and Communism,  did understand the need for a concentration of power, because when you're facing a crisis, when you have to take drastic actions.  You can't have a lot of squabbling, somebody conducting a filibuster somebody filing a lawsuit and so on. This will lead to total disaster.

Now, due to the prevalence of stupid ideologies in our time, some people are not going to accept this  concentration of power. No they are not. These people are going to have to be crushed. That's why there's a lot going to be a large amount of violence. The Emperor will preside over a reign of terror that will be absolutely unprecedented in world history and he or she will be backed up by the high technology world, the high-technology industry. Technology has no morality, it doesn't, it has absolutely no morality. And technology will enable the creation of a totalitarian state beyond the wildest fantasies of Nazi Germany or Soviet communism.




The great paradox of our time is that the structure of the modern totalitarian state is being built by the western democracies themselves. Barack Obama is a significant figure in all this who has accelerated on a rapid basis the movement towards totalitarianism set up by his predecessor George Bush. Obama, as revealed in the Snowden revelations, has set up a system of monitoring average citizens that really would make Stalin's Russia look like a paradise of civil liberties, and it's very important to understand that the initial phases of this modern road to totalitarianism will not be sold as totalitarianism. No, it will be sold as "freedom". It will be sold as protecting freedom. In other words, democracy will be destroyed by those claiming to save it.

So there's going to be (particularly among the establishment liberal politicians) a level of dishonesty and deceit that is truly breathtaking in history. But these people are going to be swept away by their own evil, incompetence, and corruption.


Americans like to portray foreign dictators who don't play ball with America as evil people who are somehow "oppressing" their people, who supposedly are eagerly awaiting "liberation" at the hands of American Imperialism.   No doubt there have been many evil dictators just as there have been many evil leaders of America as other so-called "democracies".   Unfortunately, American Imperialism has more often than not brought genocide and death rather than freedom.   The native Americans were a target of one of the worst campaigns of genocide in history.   In Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Libya and Syria American Imperialism led to mass murder of millions.  Thus, American Imperialist jingoistic thinking is no way to understand reality.




In reality, the new totalitarian regimes will come to power on a wave of popular enthusiasm.  

Leaders such as Augustus Caesar, Napoleon and Hitler were hailed as saviors.  People demanded action, and these rulers had massive popular support.

A key tool for this will be the internet.  The internet will enable a powerful, emotional message to spread like wildfire.  Indeed, the internet will enable dictators to come to power more quickly than in the past and will enable them to whip up popular emotions to a fever pitch when in power.

The Emperor will be a person of passionate convictions, and he or she will be able to communicate those convictions via the Internet. The Internet will enable such a charismatic person to connect on an emotional basis with hundreds of millions of people. This will create a magnetic bond with the masses and generate a level of fanaticism that no leader in history has ever been able to produce. If anything, such fanaticism will give the Emperor a level of God-like authority.

Americans think totalitarianism is some sort of mindless repression from the top. This is a total lack of understanding. In Nazi Germany, the key point was the reinforcement of positive totalitarianism. In effect, there was a sense that people wanted to support the regime. There was a huge fanaticism. There was a level of enthusiasm for Hitler that probably had never been seen before in any modern state because Hitler was a multimedia revolutionary. He used radio as well as film on an enormous scale. He was a high­tech media politician for his time and this is going to be accentuated.

So the point of totalitarian media communications is not so much the suppression of false ideas, or ideas contrary to the state, but the promotion of highly popular and magnetic ideologies that will capture the imagination of the public.


Another issue that is not totally resolved is the issue of religion. Will these totalitarian regimes build on variations of current religions? Or will they set up a new religion? The problem with setting up a new religion, or re-creating ancient paganism, or something like that, is that such a thing requires a significant change that could be quite difficult to implement.

We don't have an answer for this situation, but that's something that needs to be investigated. Our view overall is that the crisis is going to be so scary and so frightening that people will be willing to follow just about anything as long as it seems to be sincere and real.

That's a final point here. You cannot lead and you cannot inspire people on a deeper level if you don't believe in what you're doing. So the Emperor will be a person who believes in what they're doing and they will communicate that sincerity to the public. They will motivate and inspire the public on a deep level.

So this is a concept that needs to be evaluated and explored.


Now the paradox of this modern totalitarianism is how it will handle creative dissent, something all regimes have pluses and minuses in. This has been one of the great weaknesses of totalitarian regimes. We don't have an exact answer to how future leaders will handle dissent. That is certainly something that needs to be thought through.  

In the initial phases of the crisis, and in the process of dealing with the crisis, it is probably inevitable that the freedom of speech will be severely curtailed.  However, mindless censorship like in modern China or the old Soviet Union is very destructive.  In the first place it destroys the credibility of the government.  In the second place, it prevents constructive debate about new ideas.

We don't have an exact solution for all this but one has to be found.



Within all forms of life is a primeval will to live.   Some may think our ideas about the Emperor are harsh or maybe even evil.   In reality, the greatest evil of all time is today's world "order" under the rule of American Imperialism.   What could be more evil (and stupid) than destroying the very biological foundations of life?

So drastic actions are going to be taken... no matter what happens.  The sooner drastic actions are taken, the sooner reform begin, the sooner a global healing process can take place.

The politics of death must be replaced by the politics of life.

We are going to return to nature's world.   The only issue in doubt is the death toll and the survival of the human species.

In other words, the time for reform is now.  We support change within today's system.  We hope western so-called "democracy" can work.  That would be best.  However, this system is so rotten that these hopes are not likely to happen.  Thus, the only responsible thing to do is look back into history and learn from the past.   The coming Emperor is the likely real future.  This is reality.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow, nature's laws remain the same.  They have ruled our planet and the known universe for billions of years.   They are not going to change.

We need to understand the real world of nature.   It is a world of breath taking beauty, from the majesty of a mountain sunset to the wonder of the galaxies that we can see in the night sky.   However, it is also a ferocious world.

Our ancestors lived in that world.   It was not the world seen by all too many middle class western environmentalists.  Indeed, such people would probably see real nature as a kind of Green Hell on Earth.   Not only was nature severe but people were too.  War and violence were a regular part of that world.

However, our ancestors had a raw will to live.   History now comes full circle.   The deluded effort to build the "American Dream" by destroying nature will produce its own demise and a ferocious judgment.  Indeed, the great historian Arnold Toynbee, observed that while nature chastised man with whips, technology will one day chastise man with scorpions.  Albert Einstein in his later years observed that modern society was run by technological geniuses and moral imbeciles, thus paving the way for its own destruction.

In ancient Greece, Alexander the Great paved the way for the transition of the Greek world from the narrow-minded "Polis" of Greek city states to the world empire of the "Cosmopolis".   Democracy in Athens was swept away into oblivion.  Today, we move relentlessly to our own version of a "Cosmopolis", a giant totalitarian super state.   Mindlessly clinging to malevolent, failed ideas is not a moral action.

We must have the moral courage and the vision to hail the emergence of the new severe age to come and to get ready.

We see ourselves as prophets of what is to come.   This is our role.  This is our time.


We can look at our sacrifices.  We can look at our challenges.   We can look at the dangers we face.

However, we must also look at what our ancestors faced every day in the ferocious primeval world of nature, in the freezing cold of winter in a world where even a slight change in the weather could nearly wipe out entire tribes.

They had the will to live.   We must summon that will to live and move forward.

There is also a moral vision.  All great societies have had a vision of karma, the rebirth of the spirit in accordance of the actions of the spirit.

This has not changed.   Success or failure here has to be measured in moral terms.  This is the real future.

In the bloody struggles to come many heroes will fall.   However, as in the past, they will pass over into a better world if they have proved to be valiant.   On the battlefields of northern Europe the Valkyries welcomed the dead heroes into the halls of Valhalla, a far better future than they had here.  Their honorable death in battle was a study in triumph, not a study in failure.

So it was in the philosophies of ancient India.   Samsara marked the transmigration of souls in accordance with deeds of merit.

So it is today.   Retreat is not an option.  We can only go forward but we can go forward with an inner sense of confidence and hope.